I cant even rate this...
why? Because I couldnt even finish it...
The idea sounded like a good one when I bought it - a man who learns he has 12 months to live & what he does in that time.
... I didnt take in consideration the heart ache & sadness in it.
A good man, with a loving wife & a daughter & son in law that adored him & grandchildren that didnt want to loose him.
It was just too much.
I started reading it, had to stop... thought, it'll be good... & tried again
I got a few chapters in as this man decided to really LIVE the last year of his life, fixing wrongs, doing things he put off, spending time with his family... & it had good moments... but the underlying ending was just gnawing at my heart...
so once he went to Vietnam to put to rest ghosts & the discussion of having to kill their dogs that helped them, I knew I couldnt take any more...
I just fast forward to the last chapter & glanced at it...
It was enough to physically make my heart heart & want to get nauseated.
I just wasnt made for a book like this...
Give me romance, mystery & things of fairy tales - stories that more then likely will never come true.
Not something like this, where life is hard enough - I want to escape from life in books - not be sad about it....
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