My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Whew... this book felt forever long. & complicated... & in the end, I was just "meh"
From the same person who wrote The Girl on a Train, I knew I was in for a good mystery - which I'll give that much, I continued reading because I had to find out how it would all end - the "Whodunit?" part of the story.... but getting there was tough.
There's just so many characters in this book - SO MANY - & it was constantly changing POV - which I'm usually OK with - but I literally had to keep a list of characters near me so I could remember who I was switching to on each chapter.
& in the end, I wasn't too impressed with it all.
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In the last days before her death, Nel called her sister. Jules didn’t pick up the phone, ignoring her plea for help. Now Nel is dead. They say she jumped. And Jules has been dragged back to the one place she hoped she had escaped for good, to care for the teenage girl her sister left behind. But Jules is afraid. So afraid. Of her long-buried memories, of the old Mill House, of knowing that Nel would never have jumped. And most of all she’s afraid of the water, and the place they call the Drowning Pool . . .