My rating: 4 of 5 stars
OK - again, this is SUCH a YA book...
but I was a sucker for it - AGAIN.
I just love Lara Jean & Peter & loved the character from one of her other letters came back into play.
I'm glad this booked picked up exactly where the last one left off & continued on with a whole new story.
Yes, this is very much a story of a girl in high school in love with a boy & all the drama that that sentence alone has wrapped up in it. But it honestly just takes me back to those butterfly in the stomach days of being a teenager in love.
These books are just so easy & light & quick to read. & I was THRILLLLLLLED to see that this isn't the end here either. Another book in the series is going to come out. I'd love to see Lara Jean & Peter a little older - maybe graduating high school & heading to college.
& SPOILER(?) I really really REALLY liked the character John. & would love to see him come back in the next book.
& while I love the Sing Sisters & the whole family, I hope the next book isn't a lot about the dad. This book did just enough of talking about him maybe dating, but I hope the book doesnt put too much focus on him. Me Before You & After You did me in with the 'family' taking over the books so now I'm leery of that.
But I'm sad in a way these are such quick reads because now, I have to actually wait until the next book is published. THIS is why I try to wait until whole series are out before I start reading.... UGH! The waiting!!!!
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