Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven, and Her Amazing Story of Healing by
Christy Beam
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
The story of a little girl that was born with health issues with her digestive system leaving her in the hospital, & on lots of medications & without a normal childhood life.
Annabel is one of 3 girls, with 2 loving parents & a host of family that loves her. They all have to work together to deal with Anna's health issues.
But she's still a little girl who wants to have fun with her sisters.
So when one day she finds herself climbing a tree with her sisters & ends up having an accident where she falls INSIDE of the tree, her worlds gets changed forever.
A rescue has to happen to get her out & miraculously Anna comes out with just a few scratches. And before long, Anna is telling everyone that she sat on Jesus's lap & the experience has when she went to Heaven when she first made that 35 foot drop to the bottom of the tree. With instructions that she had to go back & everything would be fine, Anna's life certainly would be fine.
Besides surviving the fall, her digestive issues all seemed to be healed as well.
This story really was an interesting read written by the mother, Christy Beam.
I know there's a lot of touchy subjects about "heaven" stories but I still enjoy reading experiences of it... believe it or not yourself. I especially love the story of the miraculous healing of this little girl - regardless if you believe the Heaven part.
I will say, not a lot is really mentioned about the Heaven experience. It's more a biography of Anna & her family... I always love a good biography.
While not the most exciting book I've read, it did hold my attention & I was excited to see a glimpse into this family's life.
TD Jakes is apparently making this book & this little girls story into a movie as well... & we all know a book is better then a movie :)
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