Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sun Stand Still

Book:  Sun Stand Still
Author:  Steven Furtick

This book is not a Snuggie.  The words on these pages will not go down like Ambien.  I'm not writing to calm or coddle you.  With God's help, I intend to incite a riot in your mind.  Trip your breakers & turn out the lights in your favorite hiding places of insecurity & fear.  Then flip the switch back on so that God's truth can illuminate the divine destiny that may have been lying dorman inside you for years.

In short, I'm out to activiate your audacious faith.  To inspire you to ask God for the impossible.  And in the process, to reconnect you with your God-sized purpose & potential.
-Steven Furtick


First Line:  I can't lie - its a pretty cool feeling to have Bono as your opening act.

In the Bible - Joshua was in the midst of a battle... the sun was getting ready to set & Joshua knew he'd lose his advantage if it got dark... he prayed to God for help... & God answered... by making the SUN STAND STILL... the sun stayed in the same place ... causing Joshua to become the overcome... God being the VICTOR!

So the book is about having that same sort of prayer - an audacious kind of prayer...

I'm a fan of Steven Furtick anyways & his messages online.  I've always said I've GOT to get to Elevation church one day & experience it in person.  But this book is exactly how he talks - & its why I really soaked in every word.

From stories of what a "Page 23 Vision" is - to being a "Wave Jumper" & "Praying like a Juggernaut" - I loved every chapter.  My favorite was "Mistake into Miracle" - when you feel like God cant use you & your vision & listen to your audacious prayers because of your mistakes you've made... when its for those mistakes that usually God WILL use you!!!  The story of Norm & his mistakes & his journey had me in tears.

I loved how the chapters had personal stories - from Steven's life - or from others in his church - examples of today & of Biblical examples, that made the point hit home.

I dont think I've ever highlighted more of a book in my life!... Here are some of my favorite lines:

*If the size of your vision for your life isn't intimidating to you, there's a good chance it's insulting to God.

*How radically different would modern American youth culture be if we stopped raising our kids to survive their world & started empowering them with a vision to change it?

*Biblical audacity is a mind-set that approaches God with confidence & believes him for the impossible.

*You might be thinking you're unimpressive & unqualified.  That's good.  God performs the most impressive feats through the most unimpressive people.

*Maybe you're afraid that if you pray a Sun Stand Still prayer & live by audacious faith, you'll end up letting God down.  But the reality is, you were never holding him up!

... I have TONS more... believe me...its just that full of good stuff!!!

I'm leaving this book thinking about MY Page 23 Vision & how I pray - how specific I am going to God in what I want for that Vision... I'm excited to see the change it makes.

So - My rating:  4 skeins ..

& its only 4 because I struggle with "non fiction" books... this is the BEST I've read out of that area... but still, this is a personal rating...

Last Line:  Welcome to the middle of a move of God.

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