My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"Emotions aren't bad"
I've seen this book going around for awhile. It went on sale for a Kindle a few months back & I downloaded it... & forgot I had it.
Until I saw a friend of mine who was reading it, I remembered. She talked about how she would have to take each chapter & digest it... now, I know what she means.
I ended up writing down 5 pages of notes from this book. If it was in book form, I would have been a 'highlight queen' :)
I wasn't even sure what it meant by the word "unglued" ... oh, I know what it meant, but I know it can mean a lot of different things & wasn't sure the direction this book would take.
Well, if you've ever blown up at someone for some small reason - if you've ever held an emotion inside until it ate you up - if you feel like the world is falling apart because you're running late, or someone said something that hurt your feelings... then you know what it is to be unglued.
let me tell you - I'm there daily... I didn't realize how much I needed this book.
each chapter leads you into Scripture & reminds us of God's truth in situations... so not only did I write down all these pages of notes, I was a highlight queen in my Bible, writing down notes.
Good stuff.
I was also hot on Twitter with the hashtag #unglued ... I wanted to make sure I remembered this stuff
Now the key - applying it to life... that's always the hard part, isn't it?
Taking notes is easy
But now, I'm at least going into the next thing that makes me become unglued with a little defense.
Knowing to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Remember what is actually TRUTH & not made up thoughts or ideas (Phil 4:8)
& looking ahead & seeing God working in all things (Col 3:1-2)
In the end, we also see, becoming unglued or situations that can cause unglued reactions aren't a bad thing... God teaches us a lot about ourselves in these things... & gives us an opportunity to point to Him.
"And to discover through all this seeing - being unglued isn't all bad"
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