Friday, February 26, 2010

Questioning God

Book:  Questioning God
Author:  Robert Don Hughes

Questioning God uses realistic conversations with God to answer tough questions.  Grounded in the Bible, this honest dialogue will stretch your thinking & inspire a deeper love for your Creator as you gain a better understanding of who God is & what he is like.

This is sorta like a "Screwball Tape" book where the Author is having a conversation with God on hard questions.  And yes, from the beginning, he makes it aware that this is his writing but, he does remind us that God does speak back to us when we pray - its not just about us talking with Him - & this is what he feels like God answers back.

Its written in a casual conversation - as if I were sitting here talking to God & God would respond, & then I answer back, or question what he just said... its a very insightful read.

And what I appreciate about it is it IS Biblically based - the answers that "God" gives go back to scripture which shows that God does indeed talk to us...

Also, at the end of every chapter, there are some Scriptures that again support that "conversation", some reflections & some questions to search within yourself.

Some of my favorite chapters are "Does God really hear my prayers" - "Who will Defend me when I stand before God's judgement?" - "I wonder how God will punish me for that"... see, told ya, good topics!

I really enjoyed this book... I found the author wrote "Satan Whispers" as well, the sorta opposite kind of book - & I have already purchased it & cant wait to dive into that one as well.

My rating:  4 skeins

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