Jesus > Religion: Why He Is So Much Better Than Trying Harder, Doing More, and Being Good Enough by Jefferson Bethke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I always love Jefferson Bethke's videos & how real he says everything. This book goes with exactly the same person he is in the videos.
This book looks at the difference between "religion" & Jesus.
I so appreciate this book because I just have a hard time when people use the word "Religious" ... like if someone were to say, "are you religious?"... I am a follower of Jesus. A big difference to me.
& this book, Jefferson digs a little deeper into that thinking. With today's things that are hot topic issues & Jefferson's honesty in his own life & short comings & all the way to simple mercy & grace. I really love that the last chapter is called "Why Jesus loves the church (& you should too)" ... because again, people have the idea of "church" & use it as Jesus.
Its just a great reminder that Jesus is over it all! GREATER THAN it all.
A really good & fast read.
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